This workshop is aimed at solving any problem, old or new, by applying a well-researched Creative Problem-Solving process from the Creative Problem Solving Institute at Buffalo University, New York. The workshop focuses on active participation, where participants are introduced to several of the eight CPS brainstorming tools.

New tools are applied in order to stimulate creative thinking in the participants enabling them to reflect on the ‘problem’ with new insight, providing positive solutions to old problems. ErlyBirds provide a safe, supportive environment where participants feel comfortable to actively participate in the problem-solving process.  Materials are up-to-date and current with development in this creative and critical thinking field.

Participants are guided in the use of divergent and convergent thinking tools to redefine problems and opportunities and come up with new, innovative responses and solutions. A plan of action is prepared in the implementation stage. CPS creates a positive experience that helps speed the adoption of new ideas that lead to the development and implementation of a new, positive solution to an old problem (CPSI, 2015). The tools and techniques are fun and engaging allowing for a fresh approach to problems. 

Creative Problem Solving process in action!

ErlyBirds is SACE accredited (SACE Provider No. PR13410) and all workshops offer 15 points.