ErlyBirds hope to spark your curiosity about the educational psychologist mentioned in our workshops. Below are some links to the wise researchers that we refer to.

Robert Sternberg: The Nature of Creativity, 2006
Elena Gringoriko: Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory, 1969
Robert Sternberg and James Kaufman: Human Abilities, 1998
Robert Sternberg & Elena Grigorenko: Teaching for Successful Intelligence, 2003
Howard Gardner: What are Multiple Intelligences and how do they affect learning? Herdon, 2018
Art Costa and Bella Kallick: 16 Habits of Mind, 2020 (HoM)
Carol Dweck: What having a growth mind-set actually means, 2016
Scott Barry Kaufman and S. Valentine: Schools and the theory of personal intelligence, 2015
Angela Duckworth: TED talk: The Power and Passion of Perseverance, 2020
Anderson & Krathwohl (Bloom): A taxonomy for teaching and assessing, 2001