ErlyBirds use Creative Problem-Solving tools to confront old problems with new, innovative ideas in order to clarify, develop and implement workable solutions. This process uses a PLC (Professional Learning Community) to assist management teams in exploring existing knowledge around a challenge, clarifying and identifying the real issues, to assist in generating ideas from all of the stakeholders. Converging on feasible solutions, drawing up an implementation plan and assigning responsibilities through an action plan, enables everyone to feel part of the process and be part of the solution.

Why not employ ErlyBirds to solve your ‘classic conundrums’?

How might teachers shift their habitus to blend creative and critical thinking into their pedagogy?

How might schools delivery quality, motivating sports coaching for their pupils?

How might school manangement teams better support and affirm teachers?

How might teachers become fully responsible for their content and assessment?

Wouldn’t it be great if someone was responsible for creative thinking in our school?

ErlyBird’s Creative Problem Solving process in action.