ErlyBirds are regularly asked how to stimulate gifted and talented children in our schools.  Specific enrichment programmes, be they pull-out or whole-class, with a dedicated teacher, are ideal, however not always possible. ErlyBirds discuss other, manageable options available to classroom teachers as they believe in the premise that if pupils are required “to be able to use critical and creative thinking” as prescribed by the curriculum (DBE, 2012:4), it implies that teachers are expected to specifically teach these skills to the pupils. This course aims to introduce these concepts to teachers.

The workshop focuses on active participation, where teachers collaborate on lesson-ideas for stimulating higher-order thinking in classroom lessons. Parnes and Osborn’s brainstorming tools allow for intrinsic learning and reflection on the teacher’s own pedagogy. New skills and knowledge are applied by the participants in a supportive environment. Material is up-to-date and current with development in this field. CPS aims for a diversity of teaching styles – considering creative and practical learning preferences.

ErlyBirds is SACE accredited (SACE Provider No. PR13410) and all workshops offer 15 points.